Civic Participation 2.0

The project goal is developing Natural Language Processing (NLP)-based solutions for analyzing the content of public comments on government policy-making initiatives, thereby supporting broader and deeper dialogue between government and citizens.

Specifically, we seek to automatically extract “situated knowledge” from public comment and to develop tools for exploring various aspects of that knowledge. We are now focusing on developing a conceptual framework to account for such knowledge.

Project Members

This is a joint Cornell-Technion research as part of the Cornell-Tech NYC campus initiative.
It involves:

Esther Laslo, Ph.D.

Esther Laslo, Ph.D.

Dr. Daniela Orr, Post-Doctoral Fellow

Dr. Daniela Orr, Post-Doctoral Fellow

Ayelet Baram-Tsabari, Associate Professor

Ayelet Baram-Tsabari, Associate Professor

Dr. Dmitry Epstein, Cornell eRulemaking Initiative, Cornell Law School
Prof. Cynthia Farina, Cornell eRulemaking Initiative, Cornell Law School
Prof. Claire Cardie, Computer Science and Information Science, Cornell University
Prof. Alon Itai, Computer Science, Technion

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Relevant Publications

Laslo, E., Baram-Tsabari, A. and Lewenstein, B. V. (2011).
A Growth Medium for the Message: Online Science Journalism Affordances for Exploring Public Discourse of Science and Ethics.
Science Journalism in a Digital Age, a special Issue of Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism. 12(7), 847-870.
Abstract    PDF