Characteristics of Science News Coverage in Israel

In the scientific world, breakthroughs and new achievements are emerging every day in a variety of scientific fields. Though the research is abundant and innovative, it rarely comes to the attention of the public. The scientific information that does reach the public is greatly mediated by the different channels of the mass media. That is, discoveries and scientific advancements originally intended to be exposed to a small, expert audience, are exposed to a lay public, which science is not part of its daily agenda. This raises the question – what are the characteristics of the studies that do reach the media spotlight? And in what way science is presented to the public via the media?

Project members:

Yael Barel-Ben David, Ph.D. Student

Yael Barel-Ben David, Ph.D. Student

Ran Peleg, Ph.D.

Ran Peleg, Ph.D.

Ayelet Baram-Tsabari, Associate Professor

Ayelet Baram-Tsabari, Assistant Professor

This project was conducted in collaboration with the Samuel Neaman Institute for National Policy Research.

Samuel Neaman Institute Logo

Relevant publications:

Barel Y., Baram-Tsabari A., Peleg R., Armon R., and Rave A. (2015).
Towards evidence-based policy in science communication in Israel: Science coverage characteristics in Hebrew-language print, broadcast and online media, 2013-2014.
Samuel Neaman Institute, Technion (In Hebrew).

Barel, Y. and Baram-Tsabari, A. (2014).
Evidence-based science communication policy.
Poster presented at the 18th conference of the Israel Communication Association,
The Academic College in Netanya (April 10).
PDF    poster 

Barel, Y. and Baram-Tsabari, A. (2013).
Evidence-based science communication policy.
Paper presented as a talk in The 5th Israeli Science Communication Conference.
Tel Aviv, Israel (November, 3-4).