Invited talk – International

2023 – Keynote Speaker at the 16th International Conference on Educational
Data Mining (EDM 2023), Bengaluru, India, in person.

2023 – Plenary speaker at the 15th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA 2023), Cappadocia, Turkey, in person.

2022 – Invited plenary, IAMCR (International Association for Media and Communication Research) Suzhou University pre-conference, online.

2022 – Southampton Education School Research Seminar Series
The relevancy of science education to public engagement with science
“In recent decades a primary goal of science education has been to prepare non-scientists to make sense of science in their daily lives, to be critical consumers of science information, and to make informed decisions about scientific issues. Indeed, ‘Science education for all’ can be justified if it offers value for all rather than just for the minority who will become scientists. But what is this value? In this talk we will review empirical evidence regarding questions of value and relevancy of science education: how do people use science knowledge in real-life situations? Is science knowledge useful for advocacy?  Are science education background and knowledge relevant to COVID-19 decision-making? Does a mandatory science curriculum prepare people to follow science in the media? Do people who refer more to science knowledge and practices side more with the scientific consensus?”

2021- Invited plenary panelist, PCST conference, 2021 (Online, May)

2021- Invited speaker at the Aspen Global Congress on Scientific Thinking and Action in Rome, March 17-20, 2021, organized by the Aspen Institute Science & Society Program (New York, USA) and the Instituto Questão de Ciência (Question of Science Institute) (São Paulo, Brazil), in collaboration with the Aspen Institute Italia (Rome, Italy).

2021- The Field of Science Communication Research, the Institute for Science & Innovation Communication (INSCICO), Germany (Online, January)

2021-  Evaluation in Science Communication, Impact Unit team – Wirkung und Evaluation in der Wissenschaftskommunikation, Germany (Online, January)

2020- COVID-19 and the Post-Truth Era: the role of facts in public policy International online conference, Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv (online, May)


2018  – Invited speaker at the Inaugural Asia-Pacific Science Communication Conference 2018 in conjunction with the 10th-year-anniversary celebration of the ANU-NUS Joint Masters of Science in Science Communication Programme, Singapore, Nov. 19-21, 2018.

2018 – Invited speaker to the 12th Forum on the Internationalization of Sciences and Humanities, hosted by the Humboldt Foundation’s International Advisory Board, Berlin, Germany, Nov. 11-12, 2018.

2018 – Keynote speaker GDCP conference, Kiel University, Germany, Sept. 16-20, 2018.

2018 –  Keynote speaker STEAM conference, July 14, 2018. University of Malta.

2018 –  Invited Plenary Panellist: What Kinds of Stories about Science should We Tell? PCST conference, Dunedin, NZ, April 3-6, 2018.

2017 –  Invited speaker at Kiel Science Outreach Campus (KiSOC), Kiel, Germany, Dec. 3-5, 2017.

2017  – Invited speaker in The Nobel Prizes and the Public Image of Science, A Symposium at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, May 11-12, 2017

2016 –   Keynote speaker at the ‘International Conference on Bridging Edu-Communication Research’, co-hosted National Taiwan Science Education Center (NTSEC) and Science Education Center, National Taiwan Normal University (NTNUSEC) Taipe, Taiwan,  December 2-3, 2016.

2013- Invited expert speaker for the American National Academies Committee on Communicating Chemistry in Informal Environments. “What is known about public interaction with web-based science communication resources?”, Washington, DC (online one hour lecture and discussion, August 5th, 2013)