Science Communication Events
In an effort to foster the Israeli science communication community, our group has co-organized a series of events, including conferences, public lectures, and round table discussions. These events bring together science communicators, scientists, media researchers, journalists, editors, spokespeople, formal and informal science educators, and others who care about science communication.
- 2021 Co-organizing a virtual mini-conference on Religion and Inclusive Science Communication for scholars and practitioners (Hebrew and English sessions)
- A Science Communication Training Workshop for Outstanding Ph.D. Students, conducted under the auspices of the Israel Young Academy, Haifa, June 30-July 1, 2019
- A public lecture by Prof. Lord Robert Winston, Haifa, May 14, 2019
- A Science Communication Training Workshop for Outstanding Ph.D. Students, conducted under the auspices of the Israel Young Academy, Haifa, May 30-31, 2018
- Pass it Forward, a meeting of online communicators of academic knowledge under the auspices of the Israel Young Academy, Rehovot, April 26, 2018
- A public lecture by Alan Alda and training workshops of the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science, Haifa, February 2018
- The Second Connecting People with Science Conference, Rehovot, December 17, 2017 (Coverage; Video and Photos)
- Public Engagement with Science Online (PESO) 2017, a research workshop of the Israel Science Foundation, Haifa, June 25-28, 2017
- The Connecting People with Science Conference, Rehovot, June 30, 2016 (Photos)
- The Sixth Israeli Science Communication Conference, Rehovot, June 24-25, 2015
- The Fifth Israeli Science Communication Conference, Tel Aviv, November 3-4, 2013
The Fourth Israeli Science Communication Conference, Haifa, June 5-6, 2012
The Third Israeli Science Communication Conference, Jerusalem, June 16, 2011 (Videos)
The Second Israeli Science Communication Conference, Jerusalem, December 24, 2009 (Videos)
- The First Israeli Science Communication Conference, Haifa, March 16, 2009
Additional Science Communication Activities
In addition to organizing the conferences, our group has taught “Science Communication” and “Science Communication Practicum” classes to hundreds of undergraduate and graduate students. We have also taken part in organizing FameLab science communication contests and the European Researcher’s night initiatives (see pictures from Researchers’ Night 2009).