Shakked Dabran, a doctoral student, has been awarded the prestigious ESERA Travel Awards 2023. As a result, she was granted an opportunity to participate in a large interdisciplinary research project on the influence of social media on climate change hosted at the Institute for Science Education in Hanover ( During her stay, she collaborated with Dr. Alexander Büssing, Soraya Kresin, and Rebecca Kunze to conduct a comparative study examining which criteria are more effective in identifying misinformation online in English, German, and Hebrew. As part of the study, they evaluated the search results for two common climate change conspiracy theory queries that appeared on the first three results pages of Google. They found that the importance of understanding what scientific consensus is, the importance of lateral reading, and the importance of critical evaluation are essential when dealing with misinformation in the online space. However, they also discovered that language differences may affect people’s abilities to critically interact with information, even if they have information evaluation skills. For example, the author’s background was helpful in identifying misinformation in Hebrew and English, but not in German (in fact – we saw the opposite effect!). These findings were presented at a Leibniz University symposium on Social Media and Climate Change from the Perspective of Science Education. In addition, as part of the symposium, Shakked was a member of a panel discussion, which addressed important issues related to science education in an age characterized by social media and its effects.שקד כנס שקד פאנל